Sunday, January 1, 2017

Christmas 2016

So, since I'm SOOOOO behind on posts, I'll start here...maybe I'll eventually get back to posting stuff from September - December.

Christmas 2016 was SO fun! Owen is finally getting into opening presents, and his birthday and Christmas provided lots of practice! He loved every gift he received, and spent lots of time playing with each one. So much so, that it took forever and lots of convincing to open each present after the previous one was opened.

We got to have cousins Jessie, Kent, Marley, Rachel (and Colin) visit before Christmas, and we had tons of fun! Owen LOOOOOVED Marley, and they spent lots of time hanging out. Marley was wonderfully patient and allowed Owen to love on her for most of the week. While they were here we got to see Janet and Debbie for lunch. So fun!

On Christmas Eve we saw the Smith family and exchanged gifts. Owen loves his new "Choo-choo"! Getting a picture of all 3 kiddos was, um, difficult. Enjoy the outtakes.

We spent Christmas Day with the Shereika fam in Ijamsville. It was a fun day, and the grandkids had lots of fun looking at all of the decorations and playing on the piano.

The next day we went to Cheverly to hang out with Meghan's parents. Owen got spoiled again, and loved all of his new books and gifts.

We are so happy that we got to see family at Christmas. Especially since this past weekend Owen got sick, again...he seems to be on the mend though! We are excited to announce that our newest niece was born on December 30 and everyone seems great! We will visit soon, when all 3 of us are well.

New Year's Eve was spent quietly at home. Owen and Meghan went to bed early and Dan stayed up for a bit. Everyone heard the neighborhood fireworks at midnight, though!

Thank you for the train, Jessie!

Maude was very patient with her new admirer

The face you make when you hear there's a kale juice drink on the menu

My Christmas tree helper really takes her job seriously

The crew with Janet and Debbie at lunch 💜

Putting together the train track

So fun

Fun Barn! Thanks Janet/Steve and Debbie/Ed!

Cars! Thanks, Candy!

Santa brought a fun tool bench!

The drill is awesome!

Checking out the Christmas Village at Gigi/Pops

Owen and Allison

Chasing Napa at Grandma/Grandpas

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