Thursday, November 26, 2015

11 months

We're a little late on this post...but Owen is now 11 months old! He has 5 teeth, loves to play with his voice, and loves playing chasing games since his walking is so much better. He is our happy boy!

 Owen shared his 11 month birthday with Grandpa's 81st birthday. Here are the birthday boys!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Not only are we so blessed to have Owen in our lives, but we have the best family and friends in the whole world.

We had a small but fun Thanksgiving day with Meghan's parents joining us. The food was delish (and may I say, the best gravy ever...)!

Owen had a great time showing off all of his tricks for Grandma and Grandpa. We also loved seeing Karin, Blake, and Rowan on Skype from Germany.

We hope you enjoyed your turkey, and we hope you enjoy this little turkey, too!

This was the winner! 

But these were also pretty fun!

Monday, November 23, 2015

There's a boy in my bathtub!

Owen likes bathtime....mostly he likes the playing and splashing part. He doesn't actually love the cleaning part. As is our duty as parents, we decided it was time for baby bathtub pictures. Since he loves the camera, he hammed it up as usual!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New buddies

Meghan went out with some co-workers on Friday night, and one friend brought her boys. They pretty much loved Owie, and fought over who got to hold him and read to him... Owen said they could share!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween part 2

A bit before Halloween we tried on Owen's costume to make sure it fit. It did! And bonus, we have another one that was too big, so it's ready for next year!

Our monkey is pretty much the cutest monkey ever.

Dan and Meghan went to a wedding on Halloween night, so Owen spent the night with his Godparents, Robin and Mark. Hop on over to their blog, Smith Family Odenton, to check out their post about the weekend!

He's so happy here! This was not the case on Saturday...Owen's not a fan of hats, apparently

Checking out the pumpkin...

Thinking about it...

Here goes...

Nom, nom, nom! Delicious!

Halloween part 1

The weekend before Halloween we traveled up to PA to visit our friends, Kristan and Jim. They had a little party, and Owen was a party animal!! We had a great time, thanks for having us, guys!