Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday, Owen!

Owen is now a 1 year old! Our big boy was unfortunately sick for his birthday, so we had a very small birthday thing at our house. He got to eat a cupcake, try icing for the first time, and open some presents - it was a good day! Owen is still our happy boy. He loves walking and trying to run. He loves to roam around the kitchen and see what he can get into. He loves to chew on/play with his toys and talk and talk and talk!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Guess who?!

After Thanksgiving, we decided to take Owen to see the Big Man....Mr. Santa Claus, himself! Luckily the mall wasn't crowded yet, so we had a great time! Owen did super! I expected tears, but luckily there were none - he was obviously unsure of what on Earth was happening...