Sunday, January 31, 2016


On Thursday we finally got out of the house and visited our new friend, Brayden. Here's Owen teaching Brayden how to play.

On Saturday, we got to celebrate Kelsey's birthday with the Smith family. Owen loved playing with Kelsey and Evan, and loved seeing all new toys! He borrowed Evan's chair (Evan was not a fan) and borrowed Evan's computer (Evan was not a fan). He loved pushing the babies and Leo in the stroller, learning from Kelsey, and playing with his new fire truck.

Penguin boys!

Owen on the computer. Did he get that from us?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

More snow

When it snows 2+ feet in 2 days, you get lots of time outside to play in the snow! Owen prefers to see the snow, watch Daddy shovel the snow, but definitely NOT actually touch the snow. I found a toy beach shovel that he now is obsessed with, and pretends to shovel just like Daddy! (Mommy shoveled too, but it was during nap time, so he never saw it...I promise it happened!)

Owen enjoyed having Mommy and Daddy home and to himself for a few days. I'm sure he got sick of me by the end of the week, though!

Morning books

This is a fun new riding toy!

He wins!

I'm ready!

Learning the ropes

Helping shovel...sort of

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

All the SNOW! A.k.a Snowzilla 2016

After a very mild December, January has been pretty cold! And now, the snow has arrived! We got a teeny bit of snow on Wednesday night (enough to close schools in some places, though!) and then we got MORE! On Friday afternoon, Snowzilla started, and didn't end until Sunday morning. According to the internet, we got about 28". With all of the wind and snow drifts, do we truly know the amount? it was A LOT. Meghan definitely will get some snow days out of this!

These are from Thursday (about 1")

And these are from Sunday (after about 28")