Monday, December 22, 2014

First bath and more visitors

We gave Owen his first home bath today! He...didn't love it. He did love the snuggling afterwards, though!

Also, cousin Jessie and Kent visited. It was love at first sight :)

If there's a baby, they will come...

Owen has had a lot of visitors! We love the company, and he loves the attention (even though he's always sleeping through visitors...)

So far, Owen loves his swing, sleeping, and his Christmas tree. He does not love diaper changes nor baths. 

 Godsister Kelsey (and Mark, not pictured)


Uncle Alex

 Aunt Jessika

Debbie and Ed

Welcome Owen!

He's here! Owen Russell Shereika was born via c-section on Monday, December 15, 2014. He was born at 9:43am, weighing 6lbs 2.6oz, and measuring 18.9in long. He is absolutely amazing and just perfection. Meghan, Dan, and Owen are all doing well!

Our stay in the hospital was nice, with lots of getting to know each other and lots of visitors! In the hospital, Owen had a bit of jaundice, but we were able to bring his levels down and his doctors said he looks great! We came home on Thursday afternoon, and we are working on nursing, sleeping, and being awesome.

We are SUPER excited about Owen's first Christmas and we look forward to everyone meeting Owen very soon!


 Our sweet boy

 Proud Daddy

 Happy Mama

 Grandpa Joe and Grandma June

 Aunt Karin (and cousin)


 The Shereika family

 Owen's first bath (so mad! so red!)

Rachel Hall (not pictured - oops!)

 Pop and Gigi



 A little tired...

 Uncle Blake

 Ready to go home!
 Owen's first pediatrician appointment

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Baby's First Christmas?!

We found out over Thanksgiving that I have "placenta previa". Basically, the placenta is normal, but it's growing in the wrong place, and blocking baby's exit route. After a couple of doctors appointments, we have learned that the best and safest option for us both is to do an early c-section. The doctor recommended doing it at 37 weeks, so it looks like our little boy will be here before Christmas!

We are very excited, and pretty nervous. Everything will be fine, we know, but we also know that complications could come up. But we are praying that everything will go smoothly, and both Mommy and baby will be safe and healthy. 

Stay tuned...the next post could be a big one!

 This is us at about 33 weeks.