Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

It's Easter! We went to visit the Easter Bunny at Columbia Mall, had Easter with the McWhorter/Fair/Schneider family on Saturday, then church and Easter with the Shereika family on Sunday.


Be nice!

No punching, Owen!

Matching! What a coincidence!

The real question is, Why aren't there more outfits with ties?

Easter service with Sherry

Aunt Jessika (and cousin) 

Learning piano with Ms. Ellie

More Friends

Melissa, Robin's sister, and family came to MD for Easter, so of course, we had to see them!!
Hi Melissa!

Happy Boy!

Nap time with Robin

Just stinking cute!

I get to look at this cute face all day, so I thought I'd share some recent pictures of the cuteness...enjoy!
This is my "it's too early, Momma" face

cuteness at day care

Nice hat, bro!

Bumbo time

Turn, turn, turn

Owen loves his play mat, but doesn't always love tummy time (tolerate is a more accurate word). One day, he decided that he would scoot himself around in a full circle! He started facing left, and went all the way around the play mat!!
1/4 turn
1/2 turn
3/4 turn


Before Meghan went back to work, she made sure we had lots of friend visit time!
St. Patrick's Day walk with Christina (not pictured)

Visiting Michele, Marielle, and Lauren

Hi Lauren!

Michele and Owen

Friends from FL, Mark and Robin's family came to visit, and we got to surprise them! Hazel loves babies!

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Love, Owen