Wednesday, July 2, 2014

13.33333 weeks

Hello family and friends!

This is our official new family blog. Since we have family all over the place, we wanted to be able to share the fun with everyone. So here we are!
Pregnant! This ultrasound is from 8.5 weeks, so it was a few weeks ago. We are now 13 weeks and our due date is January 5, 2015.

We are super excited/nervous/happy/nervous all at the same time, but also excited to share this journey with our family and friends. Hopefully, it will continue to be a good and healthy journey for all of us!

I will probably update this blog more frequently once the little one actually joins us. For now, you can check on us anytime, and I hope to be able to update after every fabulous doctor appointment (note: hope).

(Note: this info is not fully public yet, so no FB posts until we announce there, please!)