Monday, March 16, 2015

3 months!

Owen is 3 months old! Once again, it's hard to believe it's been 3 months. Somehow it feels both longer and shorter than that...

We will start with the good pictures, followed by some cute outtakes...

Also, Uncle Alex has a birthday on March 17, so he and Aunt Jessika visited and we went to dinner.

So sleepy!

Not the face we were looking for...

Look, ma! I'm at Looney's!

Aunt Jessika

Uncle Alex

Owen's first beer? Not yet!

Laughing baby!

We got a great video of Owen laughing. He does a lot of laughing and giggling and talking. It's pretty fun.

Also, more random pictures of Owen at 2 months...
These edible toes! Also, what?

Tummy time means holding my head up! This is a rare happy tummy time moment

Happy Birthday, Evan!

Owen's bff, Evan, turned 1 on March 9. We had a great time at his birthday party, and Owen got to see lots of his friends in the Hall/Smith family. Owen and Evan had some bonding time, and of course, Owen slept.

Hi, friend! (Christina)

Birthday boy Evan

Jari and Linda

Hanging out with NanNan Joan

I'm just gonna crawl on this box...

Hi, Evan!

Silly boys!

Friends and fun and pirates!

Owen and Daddy and Momma have been having a great time together! So much so, in fact, that Momma has been lazy about updating the blog! (or sleeping, that could also be it...)

Here are some pictures to show what we've been up to since mid-February ;P

Momma's friend, Kate

Talking to Angel

Happy Birthday, Ronnie!

Happy Birthday, Gerell!


Chatting with Grandpa

Momma's Cheverly neighbor, Nancy at Pancake Supper

First pancake? Ok, maybe later


 These two.... if it's not one, it's the other! They are good looking, though!

Encouraging Daddy 

Practicing my smiles

Arrrrrr! Our friend Tim had a Goonies themed 30th birthday party. 

Eating Megan's shoulder


Sherry and Carmen

Momma and Daddy's first night out! We didn't last long!