Monday, September 29, 2014

Oh boy!

The big news of the day is...we're having a boy!! (Dan wins)
The first beautiful picture shows a nice profile of Baby Shereika.

What else is going on? In the last 2 weeks or so, Baby Shereika has really stepped up the kicking, moving, bouncing, swimming...and I love every minute of it! I've been feeling little kicks for a loooong time now, but these are the real deal! Dan gets to feel them, and watching my belly move is pretty cool! We've been told that he likes to curl up in a ball, so we got lots of shots legs and feet. I'm thinking swimmer, for sure.

We are also doing well, thanks for asking! We have a mostly finished new deck, an almost empty nursery to prepare, and a long to do list, in between work and naps.

26 weeks down, 14 to go!