Thursday, January 29, 2015

A new cousin

Owen's newest cousin was born on January 17. We got to meet Rowan Anthony Schneider today, and the cousins already love each other! And yes, apparently a baby can be smaller than Owen!

Owen at 8lbs 9oz, Rowan at 5lbs 8oz

Happy Birthday, Kelsey!

Owen's Godsister, Kelsey, turned 4 on January 21. 4! I can't believe it's been 4 years since our darling Goddaughter was born.

Owen and Meghan attended Kelsey's Royal Ball birthday party this past weekend. Owen had a wonderful time (i.e. he mostly slept)! It was great to see a lot of friends there.

Happy Birthday, Kelsey! We love you!

Robin got Owen snuggles!

Owen's favorite onesie made by Kelsey and Evan

Open eyes!

My sweet girl!

Evan is getting so big! 10 months

Monday, January 19, 2015

1 month old!

It's hard to believe we've all made it a whole month! Owen is growing and growing, and finding new cute things to do every day!

This month, we've learned quite a few things about our little Owie...

He LOVES to eat!
He LOVES to sleep, almost more than he likes to eat!
He makes duck sounds, zombie sounds, and squeaks, especially after he eats and when he's asleep.
He HATES having his diaper changed.
He doesn't like being put into the carseat, but once he's guessed it - he's asleep!
He loves his swing, but prefers sleeping on Momma or Daddy.
He doesn't like baths, but is ok with his hair being washed, as long as he's swaddled.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Daddy time!

Meghan is usually the one behind the camera, which means we get lots of pictures of Daddy Dan and Owen!

Visitors galore!

We've LOVED having so many visitors come to see baby Owen! It's been awesome having so many people over to love on him, and not judge the state of our house or our clothes ;P

Nana Sherry (Meghan's friend and co-worker)

Pop and more Christmas gifts!

Gigi and a Christmas monkey

Robin got some awake time!

Robin can totally handle 2 under 1. I LOVE this picture! Owen got to meet his bff Evan. I think it went well!

Pastor Saroj 

Angel and Tristan (the skeptic) (Meghan's friend and son)

Tristan got to hold tiny Owen

Melissa is in love! (Robin's sister from NC)

Deep conversations

More time with Rachel (Robin's mom)

Jim and Kristan (Meghan's friend/co worker and her husband)
Neighbor Jessica

Brittany and Uncle Eric

Uncle Eric


We also had a fabulous visit from Dan's friend Merry from VA. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture. Thanks for the visit, Merry!

Outside in Winter

We had a couple of days last weekend that were pretty nice, so we decided to take advantage, and give Owen his first outside experience that didn't include a trip to a doctor. Also, his first stroller experience. Don't worry, it didn't last more than 5 is December, after all.

Seriously, Momma? What's happening?

Hi Daddy!

That's probably it for a couple of months...see you in the spring!

Owen's First Christmas

This year we had Meghan's family over for Christmas Day. Dinner was brought to us, and we had a great time just relaxing and holding a sleeping Owen! Later, Christmas evening, Jessie, Rachel, and Kent visited. Owen says, "Thank you!", for all of his First Christmas outfits!

Rare awake photo

Aunt Karin

Grandpa Joe

Grandma June

Aunt Karin and Uncle Blake

Cousins! Jessie and Rachel

Oh, everyone left? Ok, I'll wake up now.

See?! I awake can.