Tuesday, October 21, 2014

All the ladies love Baby Boy Shereika

This past Saturday was our baby shower. It was wonderfully planned by Karin, and my friends Robin and Kristan. It was an awesome day, and there was lots of laughing and some happy tears. It was great to have lots of friends and family there to help us celebrate our joy! I definitely missed the people who couldn't make it, but we had a good time, and Baby Shereika feels the love.

Here are some pictures, hopefully there will be more to come soon!
"The Prettygirls", college friends from Towson, and still hanging out!

Good friends Kristan and Ali
Robin with Evan, who doesn't look pleased by the situation...
The beautiful cake, made by Nan Nan Joan (Robin's mother-in-law)

Baby's first sign! Thanks Kristan!

On another note, I took the infamous Glucose Tolerance Test last week, and the results were normal! (Phew!) Latest doctor appointment was also good. Other than swollen ankles Monday through Friday and needing more pillows to sleep, everything is great! Although, I hear there are tough times ahead...we'll see :) As long as baby is healthy and growing, I'll take it!