Tuesday, June 16, 2015

6 months, carrots, and all the ladies

(Long post, lots of pictures, so settle in!)

The last 6 months have absolutely flown by! It's hard to believe Owen's been with us that long! He is absolutely the best, and we love every day with him (and nights, too, mostly). 

At 6 months, Owen weighs 14 lbs, 12 oz. He is 26 inches tall. He rolls all over everywhere, and scoots a little, but no crawling yet! He talks (babbles, yells, whatever) all the time, loves to laugh, and LOVES people!! He eats his hands, his feet, other peoples hands, his Sophie Giraffe, and anything else he can get into his mouth!

On Monday, we started with Owie's first foods. Carrots were, eh, okay...let's just say he ate some, but he wasn't begging to finish the whole thing. But he was super cute trying!

Last weekend, Meghan and Owen went to celebrate the upcoming marriage of some good friends. Owen was lucky to be the only boy there, and was pretty popular!

With Nana Taylor

Happy Bridal Shower Jessie!

The guitar shirt is for Jason ;)

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