Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jessie and Kent's wedding

On April 25, Owen's oldest cousin, Jessica Scott, got married!! We got to take our first airplane trip as a threesome to Florida. Owen was a champ for both flights, and did great while we were in Florida. Also, if you're ever in Jacksonville, you must visit Taco Lu's and Beach Road chicken. Trust me.

 This bib was made by Debbie. Miss Debbie and Miss Janet were high school friends of Jessie and Owen's grandmother, Elaine. Debbie and Janet were also able to be in FL for the wedding, so we got to spend some quality time with them! Debbie also made a similar bib for Owen's cousin, Emily, for our wedding in 2011.

We were also there for Debbie's birthday!

 Playing with Aunt Jen

Owen, Jessica, Rachel (and Dora)

Owen, Jessica, Rachel, and Emily (and Dora)

Memes are fun

What did you expect him to do for the wedding?? Be awake?

Beautiful bride!

The truth

Uncle Danny love

We were also blessed to have some time to go out after the wedding, thanks to Janet and Debbie! This cutie slept all night in this "swaddle"!

Breakfast = sleeping

Cousin Emily loved baby Owen!

And Owen loved Emily, too!

Momma, did you eat all my chicken and waffles??

Mrs. Meyer

Thanks for the hat, Kent!

Florida = fresh air, sunshine, and being outside for more than 5 minutes

Owen got to experience some of the best fried chicken out there.

When in Jacksonville...

I love this picture! He actually liked being in the ergo, but made some silly faces!


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